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I've got a 2 layer metallic (light furniture chrome) surface and I'm trying to add a color graphic to part of the metallic surface...I've had limited success where I've tried to use a clip method -- adding a 3rd layer and putting the graphic in the reflectance and transmittance channels.

Is there a more effective way of screening an image onto a metallic surface?

Suggestions much appreciated.

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By zoppo
did you use a weight map?
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By jvanmetre

I tried a weight map...should it have its own layer or should it go in the 2 existing layers?

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By KurtS
If you have one ot two layers for your metal surface then add a layer for the
color graphic.

Each layer murst have the weightmap, and the weightmap for the color graphic should be the inverted weightmap of the metal surface.
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By zoppo
KurtS wrote:If you have one ot two layers for your metal surface then add a layer for the color graphic.
Each layer murst have the weightmap, and the weightmap for the color graphic should be the inverted weightmap of the metal surface.
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By jvanmetre
KurtS and Zoppo--

Much thanks...will give it a try.

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By simmsimaging
One thing I would suggest: if you want your screened-on graphic to have a metallic quality as well you might want to have a look at multi-layering that part as well, and in at least one duplicate the diffuse map in the reflectance 90 and 0 slots. That will help you get the metallic reflectance colouring happening in the graphic.


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