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By big K
looks great! :D

I am also curious about the rendertime and your settings.
come on kabe, please let us know! :roll:
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By Kabe
Well, render times were not so bad, the image above - which has no post pro - rendered for 21 h on my G5 2x2, while I was working on that machine for some time, too.

Sky simulation, 11 O'clock in Brussels, and way too little absorption on this one (later picts have reduced absorption)

Setup time 10 minutes

I absolutely *love* the sheer quality of lighting.

Tomorrow I'll post some newer picts.

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By Kabe
Ok, here are some new picts of that great model - which was kindly provided for these tests by Heinz Schmitz and modeled during a diploma thesis in architecture by jaewook, originally in AutoCad.

All I did was placing the camera, assigning Maxwell materials, lighting and rendering:




All models were denoised on Photoshop CS 2 and then scaled to half size. to provide best image quality. Render times were around 12-24 hours on a machine that has normal work to do as well ;-)

Voxelisation depends mostly on image size, and it's a shame that it's so hard to do portait mode pictures currently - well, let's hope for next friday ;-)

By big K
thanks kabe for the information!
the lighting is just incredible ! I love maxwell ...
Kabe wrote:well, let's hope for next friday
did I miss something?
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By Kabe
big K wrote:the lighting is just incredible !
I would rather say: The light is just credible ;-)
big K wrote:
Kabe wrote:well, let's hope for next friday
did I miss something?
We all missed a new Cinema plugin that would have fixed the most obvious bugs unfortunately ;-)

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By Mihai
That was modelled in Autocad? Brave people.....

How cool would this look with tainted glass windows and a bit of fog??

Very coooooooool.
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By Tyrone Marshall
Kabe, what absorption settings did you change?

can you share your maxwell settings?

I want to check the relationship between scale, physical sun settings and camera settings (fstop, shutter) in reference to the quality of light you were able to achieve.
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By Kabe
Of course I like to share the settings ;-)

I was changing the absorption setting of the Maxwell Diffuse material that I applied to the model to 0.4, Color is 153/153/153. I'm not entirely shure, but I was thinking that the color and the absorption should add up to 1 (153/255 is rougly 0.6. + 0.4 absorption = 1). If this is stupid, please correct me.

fStop 4, time 1/30 s - like I would shoot the real thing. Yes, I do have some experience with real photography.

The Model was created in cm scale, which fits accidently but perfectly to the default 0.01 of the Mawell plugin, if I'm correct.

Location was set to Europe/Brussels, and time to 11:00 - 15:00 on July 15th - the sun is moving faster than is should...

I there are further questions, feel free to ask!

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By victor
Please add it to the BB place.
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