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By sidenimjay
The new v1.1 plugin for houdini is almost ready

there are a couple of things to test and then i will be releasing the latest and greatest houdini to maxwell plugin.

at the moment everything works just as before with the addition of the
new hd and multi-light options.

MXM support is also now enabled and may be the easiest way to put your shaders on.

i am considering letting the mxm be the only shader associated with maxwell as the variants will be used far more often than the standard shaders, and it will allow me to release the plugin sooner rather than later

all the standard shader types such as glass and metals are already available in mxm format. and can easily be adjusted to taste in mxed, the maxwell standalone material editor.

also i would like to know what is the most common version of houdini in use , i am currently compiling for houdini 8.0.383.....i know that v8.1.xx exists, but i am unsure the demands for other variants of houdini.

By kuba
Hi Erich,

I am happy to hear such a good news :)

Looking forward to test it. 8.0.383 is just fine. If it's not a problem you could compile for the first production release of H8.1 -> that is 8.1.655

I am getting excited....!!!

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By sidenimjay
thank you all for your support and patience!

i am currently working on the mxm texture support and hope to have
things working very soon

this should be the last thing needed before we can get it releaed

once i have the textures working , i will compile for

further it seems that the major build is what is imortant, in other words this
plugin should work for all versions of and (windows only)

again, i look forward to releasing a stable and powerful plugin for this most
excellent and powerful renderer

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