By Rhs_CG
Thank you! If I knew how to compile/maintain code, I would offer to help with the OS X version, but alas, I don't.

BTW, does the plugin work with Apprentice HD or Apprentice versions of Houdini?
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By sidenimjay
You are welcome! Thanks for your interest.

I was recently contacted by an individual that will be looking into
compiling the osx version, so there will be updates on that soon!

you can use the plugin with Apprentice versions , however you cannot save
mxs files and rendering is limited to 640x480 and 9 sample levels max.

send an email to the above gmail address and i will send you the windows
32/64 bit cuts to test with!
By sjyie
Houdini + Maxwell seems very promising.
Thank you for your valuable work.

I hope plugin for Houdini 9. 5 + Maxwell 1.71 will be available soon.

By creasia
Does the Maxwell Plugin work with Houdini Apprentice HD? Does it export to Studio?
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By sidenimjay
The plugin does work with apprentice, but is limited to 9 samples and a max res of 640 x 480. Apprentice will Not export to studio.
By creasia
Are you aware of the new "Starving Artist" HD version that exports at HD resolution for $99?

I imagine that it has the same export limitations, but it would be great news. HD resolution was once considered a high resolution output for maxwell renders anyways.
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By sidenimjay
I am aware of the HD apprentice, this is excellent for making textures and displacement maps using all of houdinis procedural texture tools.

However, the EULA from SESI will not permit rendering to 3rd party software such as Maxwell, Renderman or Mental Ray using any of the Apprentice versions including HD.

At this time, the limitations imposed on the Apprentice community are agreed upon terms between SESI and NL in order to protect the authors
of these fine products.

Upgrading from Apprentice to the $1,995.00 Escape version will unlock the full potential of Maxwell within Houdini, including writing .mxs files for export to Studio and animation abilities with Maxwell direct from Houdini.
Chocolate test with SSS
