Seems like the new zip file (2.1 cs5) that is online to download from nextlimit portal don't include the MXI light actions file nor did it seem to find/install into older photoshop folders (cs3/cs4)... NO big deal for me.. I had actions file from previous photoshop plugin .. and i don't plan on using cs4 that much as I am all set with cs5... but new customers/downloaders may miss those things. (as previous versions of photoshop plugin arnt up for download anymore on portal right?)

-AHHAH. Thanks For Clarifing Brany that the action is in the documents maxwell folder!
Last edited by 3dtrialpractice on Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I forget to specity that in the windows installation the action is located at "C:\Users\username\Documents\Maxwell\Maxwell Plug-in for Photoshop", and a shortcut to it is created at the start menu (Next Limit->Maxwell render importer plugin for photoshop-> maxwell actions). The manual must be updated.

I've just test the installer in a pc with PS cs4 and the installation detects its path automatically. If you have installed various versions of PS (CS4 and CS5 i.e.), the installer will detect the last one. If you want to install into the old one you must browse the path by hand.
Chocolate test with SSS
