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By arch3d
Hi all,

I am not sure if i understand it or if it's bug:
1. I create two cubes wit texture 1200x1200px ~ 43 cm;
2. Cube size is 8 units so if i work in meters it suppost to be 2x tiling, am i right?;
3. If i change global scale factor to 0,01 nothing happend;
4. I think its a problem with global scale factor; i tried to render some scenes in Max (with same emitters and materials settings) and effects look different;
5. Mihnea i hope you didnt start hate me for finding some bugs :P

Some screens attached below:




I've checked this and it doesn't seem to be a problem with the plug-in. I've passed it to the engine guys, I'll let you know what they say.
arch3d wrote: Mihnea i hope you didnt start hate me for finding some bugs
On the contrary, thanks for helping us improve the plug-in. :)
Ok, an update on this: the "real scale" feature was meant to be used in Studio, so support for it in the SDK and plug-ins is incomplete. The way it works in Studio is that you have to hit the "Normalize" button in the UV editing panel after you scale the object (or change the global scale), so that the UVs get recomputed to reflect the new size of the object. The downside is that you have to work with projectors (cubic, spherical, planar etc.) and they get reset when you hit normalize; it's not possible to use more advanced UV mapping methods.

The SI plug-in does not have an equivalent for the "Normalize" button and I'm not sure how to go from here. I'll discuss this further with the engine developers to see if there's a way to automate the process, so that you don't have to update the UVs on your objects every time you change the scale.
Hello arch3D,

I agree with Mihnea that I guess this is not a bug.

The Global Scale factor is a multiplier of the general scene size as a whole, changing your scene from a tiny size to a giant size.

But this factor doesn't affect the texture mapping itself, unless the "Normalize" option in Studio, and mainly working in Relative tiling mode as you are now.

So, to control the tiling of your texture, you should play with the Tile U and V values, or (even better) with the UV mapping of your object.

Scaling the scene size won't produce the effect you are looking for.

The real scale feature will only work properly with a cubic 1m x 1m UV set. So I guess you can still make it work in SI, but less automated for now. So if your global scale factor is at the default 1, then make sure to scale the cubic UVs to 1 so they represent 1m, no matter the size of the object they are applied to. If you change your global scale factor, you have to adapt the UV set accordingly. For example if it's 0.1, the UV set needs to be 10 so it still represents 1m when the scene is exported.

Mihnea, perhaps this can be automated somehow? That when user switches to real scale, a cubic UV set is applied taking into account the global scale factor. Problem ofcourse is if user scales the object....I guess we need a Normalize button in the Maxwell Texture node.
I was talking to Juan about making the engine create UVs automatically for real scale textures when the render starts. That way you never have to manually normalize, you can mix regular and real scale textures on the same object without having to create a separate UV channel and it just works from all platforms. He said it's doable, but it will have to be part of a Maxwell update, so we don't have an ETA for that.
Chocolate test with SSS
