Everything related to Maxwell Render and General Stuff that doesn't fit in other categories
By pipcleo
Currently running maxwell render on various iMacs circa 2014/2016

Looking to upgrade to latest machines (new mac studios/imacs)

Is the latest maxwell render/studio running on these latest Macs ?
By Rita Sipos
I have MacStudio Ultra top of the line model. Initially I was suspicious about how the Maxwell would run on it, since it would be 7k investment…

I haven’t had any problems. I do hi res packaging visualisations (spirits and beverages), the default resolution usually being 25mpix. On top of this dispersion and sometimes caustics.

I did some comparisons with my Mac and the Maxwell cloud. While the cloud is faster it is also more expensive (now 75€ when it used to be 60€ and started with 50€ 🫠) So for me it made more sense to go with my setup.

Hope this helps 😊
By pipcleo
Hi Rita
Many thanks for your reply !
Could you tell me which version of maxwell + studio you are using ?
Presuming you are on the latest macOS....?
By Rita Sipos

I'm on the latest version of Maxwell Studio and same goes for OS X. Currently Rosetta is the only way to run Maxwell on Apple's Silicon, I hope it will change in the future but...
Yet in the end it runs pretty fast and smooth, has only crashed few times within the year I've been on this new setup. So all in all can't complain.

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