Everything related to Maxwell Render and General Stuff that doesn't fit in other categories
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By choo-chee
I'll not be surprised to find that NL is done by now as no software today can be un-developed and still offer what clients need in this fast changing tech world. it's a real shame' I'm starting to think crazy stuff like "let's gather up all MR users and buy it from NL for some small fee and see how we can move it forward with the original team that now do Bella: :lol:
Although i’ve been happily rendering away in TM i do long for the days i produced photorealistic images with Maxwell. Still no reaction regarding a roadmap though(since 2019!!)…
I guess Next Limit figured for the optimum revenue model , instead of going for a subscription model and generate cash for development, they must have thought “speech is scrap metal and silence is golden”. Choo-chee suggested above “why not buy MR as a user group and…”. Makes sense. Autodesk sold Sketchbook Pro a while ago and after being stagnant for years they, the new owners of Sketchbook, are now ‘developing’ again. I surely hope someone sees a businesscase here!
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By jurX
Maxwell Render was the first commercial rendering solution introducing physics-based unbiased ray-tracing and in my opinion no other solution come close to Maxwell. I work with Maxwell since 2005, and I still hope, Maxwell will rise like a phoenix from the ashes. :!:
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By jurX
...by the way, Phoenix would be a nice Release name for Maxwell 6! :wink:
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By Edgar Zamora
Parece que no hay repuesta después de 5 años con la última versión de Maxwell, el post lleva 145,947 vistas, es Julio de 2024 y parece que aún muchos seguimos interesados en no dejar morir este software..... ojalá NL tuviera una respuesta honesta con sus fieles seguidores incluso un No sería suficiente.

A pesar del paso del tiempo y de que otras plataformas se siguen posicionando y ofreciendo mejoras constantes incluyendo a la IA como herramienta para mejorar la calidad de las imágenes, los resultados que obtengo con esta plataforma me siguen convenciendo por encima de las demás aunque creo que esa línea pronto será rebasada y habrá que tomar otras alternativas. Creo fielmente que si NL lanzara una nueva versión muchos viejos clientes lo apoyaríamos, siento que Maxwell podría dar mucho más de lo que ya es, incluso creo que podrían llegar a nuevas generaciones de artistas visuales.

Espero que el silencio de NL pueda romperse pronto, han pasado 5 años desde el último lanzamiento y no conozco otras plataformas que tengan tantos fieles a pesar del poco interés de sus desarrolladores por su comunidad.
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By jurX
After testing Corona Render for a while, I have to say.........We need Maxwell 6 :lol:
By ptaszek
We need Maxwell 6 a lot but please keep perpetual license system :) I think like guys said before, the Team is gone but maybe NL will have a chance to hire a new one or rehire an old one. I still have a hope. I have tried vray, corona, UE5 PT, luxcore, cycles and in the past redshift, octane and I am sure that I need Maxwell 6 :) Don't even need a GPU version. CPU for me would be enough.
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By choo-chee
still on maxwell 4 and getting best results. all I think is needed is a bit easier libraries with assets (easier to use-instead of folders with MXS's references) and better (in my case) viewport performance in Maya and that's it. don't use denoiser as CPU's today are fast and you also have Topaz ;)
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By Matteo Villa
I’m trying out D5 render actually.

It’s 350€ / year with
• good quality output
• huge library
• realtime / direct link with Archicad and other bim software

Plus Twinmotion has become totally free.

So you can play with 2 high quality rendering software without wasting your money.

But actually both of them doesn’t work with multi gpu. Sadly.

Twinmotion work only with NVLINK.

Maxwell Render could be saved easily.

• Integrate ready to use scenes and presets.
• integrate high quality, ready to use object library.
• update the software to support RTX 4000 natively
• update the software to support AMD gpus
• finish the already planned v4 v5 roadmap

Then you’ve a complete rendering software.

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