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By Richard

Mate when the MXED is opened from the Scene Manager > edit MXM icon bottom, with editor still open returning back to SU - SU waits for the MXED to be closed before switch will occur! If one tries to close the scene manager at that point it crashes SU everytime!

Solution is simply don't do that of course but just an eyes up on behaviour!
By JDHill
It is not crashing on its own -- you are telling it to crash. On Windows (well, on Vista and greater -- the details may be slightly different on XP), here is what happens:
  • 1. you click the Edit MXM button
    2. MXED is shown
At this point, SketchUp is going to be waiting for you to finish with MXED.
  • 3. you bring SketchUp to the front again, and it is not responding
    4. for some unknown reason, you try to close the Scene Manager
    5. Windows shows a dialog asking whether you want to crash SketchUp or not
The correct answer to that dialog is that you want to 'wait for for the program to respond.' Why? Because it is waiting for you to finish doing something that you told it you wanted to do. It has to wait for you to finish with MXED, because when you're done, then I have to update the new MXM information in the Scene Manager!

If it were in my control, of course I wouldn't let you click the Scene Manager window's Close button (it does work that way on OSX) while you were in the MXED-editing loop, but it isn't.
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By Richard
JDHill wrote:It is not crashing on its own -- you are telling it to crash.
Exactly! I realised that was what was making it crash, did it first time as the stall surprised me then did it again just to make sure before report. Though not sure it was expected.
The correct answer to that dialog is that you want to 'wait for for the program to respond.' Why? Because it is waiting for you to finish doing something that you told it you wanted to do. It has to wait for you to finish with MXED, because when you're done, then I have to update the new MXM information in the Scene Manager!
Mate I now have no needs, it wont happen to me again though maybe others who might fall pray to same - the crash of SU was rather unexpected though non issue causing! The only issue was I wanted back to SU to export the test and leave open the MXED for later edits without opening the scene manager!

I'll often have Mxed's open with SU. Actually if I had a want for anything it would be to allow for multiple instances of Mxed to be launched from the plugin yet independant rather than from start > programs.
By JDHill
The only issue was I wanted back to SU to export the test and leave open the MXED for later edits without opening the scene manager....if I had a want for anything it would be to allow for multiple instances of Mxed to be launched from the plugin yet independant rather than from start > programs.
If you want to edit MXM files behind the plugin's back, then I am going to leave that to you -- when you do it from the plugin, I want always to keep things synchronized. I can think about making some custom toolbar scripts for launching MXED, but I wouldn't want to put that in the regular plugin.
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By Richard
Yeah I have no issue just working from MXed direct though yes just a tool bar button launcher would be just the treat certainly no need to come through the plugin.
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?