By 3dforall
We're having troubles when exporting to studio, none of the materials are attached to the object groups. I feel like there's a good chance it's something to do with not removing the plugin off of my machine before installing the new one, what is the path for finding the plugin to remove it and then reinstall?
By JDHill
Well, you should just be able to go to Add/Remove Programs in Windows and uninstall the old plugin, then run the new plugin's installer again and choose the Repair option.
By JDHill
On OSX, the new plugin's installer should remove the old plugin's files. If you think it didn't do that correctly though, then:

1. go to /Applications/Google SketchUp [6 or 7]/
2. right-click > Show Package Contents
3. go to Contents/PlugIns
4. make sure SkpToMxs.plugin is not present

Note, that is SkpToMxs, not Skp2Mxs, which is the name of the new plugin's exporter. Then:

5. go to /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp [6 or 7]/SketchUp/Plugins
6. delete MaxwellExport.rb if it is present
7. delete the folder Maxwell if it is present

Now, run the new plugin's installer again.
By numerobis
Hi JD,

i experienced the problem, that after reopening a sketchup file the hdri and camera shift settings are missing but still active...
the hdri parameters could be reactivated switching to physical sky and back. but the shift settings i haven't seen again.
(Sketchup 7.1 and win xp x64)
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?