Everything related to Maxwell network rendering systems.
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By ababak

I've been successfully using network rendering with most of my jobs but today one job is stuck on sending dependencies.

Here's a file list collected with Pack'n'Go (just to test):

Here's the file list from render node's temp folder:

That's how Network monitor looks like:


The log from render node:

20 minutes later network monitor showed an error:

It doesn't matter how many render nodes I use or how big files are.

Can you suggest something?

Thank you!
By umdrehung
Same trouble here.
Funny thing: with Maxwell 3.1. it worked just fine. Now with 3.2 it's stuck on sending dependencies.

Did you manage to get it work again?
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By ababak
No, I've never got a response on this matter. If I remember correctly, I used a local render to finish this job. Since then I was lucky enough to not see this problem again.

Haha, thanks.

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