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By choo-chee

this should be on the first page of the manual !
I was looking in the multi light section and this is in the photoshop section ....
By bograt
Hi Choo-chee, I have just finished work on an interior scene and have a new technique that might help.
First of all I just want to say that this is not a solution it is a workaround, so it is not 100% accurate and wont work for all cases but in my case it gave me an immeasurable improvement in time and quality.

Dario mentioned that noise will be coming from some light sources more than others, in a similar way some areas are far more susceptible to noise (a particularly inaccessible corner of a ceiling for example)
I have just finished working on the worst case scenario, an exhibition gallery with black carpet, black walls, glossy objects, loads of glass and a white ceiling all lit by downward pointing spotlights.
While the objects lower down were all clear by SL16, the ceiling was still extremely noisy at SL21 where things just get too slow.
To isolate the problem I created a render region around the ceiling only and (losing accuracy) replaced some of the materials outside of the region with a 97% roughness material of the same color and whiteness.
While loosing a bit of accuracy in the distribution of light hitting the ceiling, I gained a HUGE increase in speed and SL10 looked like the previous SL20.
I then rendered everything else leaving a bit of overlap to merge the images seamlessly in post.
As I said this will not work in all cases but can be a life saver in some, and if noise happens to collect in one small area you can always just region render that bit to some ridiculous SL rather than doing the whole image.

By photomg1
would be nice if you could say for as in your example you were happy with the bottom at sl16 you could then draw a render region over the top part for maxwell to continue just in that region you specified on the same render so you didn't have to do a photoshop comp.That would be a little bit like modo's scrubbing .
Or even multiple render regions !
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By Fernando Tella
photomg1 wrote:would be nice if you could say for as in your example you were happy with the bottom at sl16 you could then draw a render region over the top part for maxwell to continue just in that region you specified on the same render so you didn't have to do a photoshop comp.That would be a little bit like modo's scrubbing .
Or even multiple render regions !
Yep, yep! I dig that.
By bograt
photomg1 wrote:would be nice if you could say for as in your example you were happy with the bottom at sl16 you could then draw a render region over the top part for maxwell to continue just in that region you specified on the same render so you didn't have to do a photoshop comp.That would be a little bit like modo's scrubbing .
Or even multiple render regions !
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By choo-chee
hi all,
Yeah I use this method esp. in kitchens where glass and displacment (like brick-wall behind it) look terrible at SL 20 ....
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By deadalvs

I am also having issues with noise, in an interior scene animation.

I think I have optimized pretty much everything ( invisible emitters, no pure white surfaces, .. )

The issues :
1] I have partially strong DOF -> some of the noise has a very irregular pattern and 'bigger size' than the average noise in the image > some parts of the noise cannot be separated out
2] The noise is changing from frame to frame, making it impossible to remove all noise.

Any tips on this ?
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By dariolanza
hi dedalvs,

Yes, dof noise is very hard to remove.
In fact, we use to use way more dof on our renders than what regular photography has (even miniatures photography), getting not only unnatural results but extremely noisy.

Maybe there are some cool denoiser around there that can easily clean it. We tested the Denoise node from Nuke and we can confirm it works fine.


Dario Lanza
Chocolate test with SSS
