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By spekoun
Hi, just a small suggestion. I think, it would be better, if cinemaxwell would add number to mxs file according to exporten frame number. Now i exported frames 100 to 300 and files have names anim0001 - anim0200. I would prefer names anim0100 - anim0300. Of course it is not big problem, i can live with this.
By JDHill
I understand, but there are two technical problems with doing so:

1. Maxwell needs consecutive frame numbers, and you can skip frame-steps with the plugin
2. Maxwell needs ascending frame numbers, and you can render animation backwards with the plugin

While it's true that I could recognize the case where both of these things are not true and adjust the frame starting number according to the minimum frame you're exporting, I wouldn't be able to make animation work consistently in general. So I chose to keep it simple and and err on the side of predictability.
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By spekoun
I was expecting some technical problems. I understand. So what about to add some "start mxs number" setting?
But this is really not problem. A just render anim sequencet into different folders and rename final pictures.

BTW: Thank you very much for plugin. Fast and stable. Exports instances. I enjoy working with cinema+maxwell now.
By JDHill
I'll be sure to keep it in mind for the future. Cheers...

Haha, thanks.

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