By seco7
Hey Adam, I would like to expand this a bit and re-open the old "road map" request. I personally would be beside myself with happiness if I had some set of explanation of where the plugs are going. Sorry, I know this has all been covered in literally thousands of posts already. But specific to C4Ds plug, there seem to be a lot of conflicting reports and requests and I would like to know which are being considered in the near future. In addition to animation, I have seen posts from NL betas (?) that the material editor will be stand alone and accessed though the plug. Yeah. Plus shaders, etc etc.

My other concern is that, if I'm not wrong, the plug is definitely called v1.0 on the download site. Am I reading too much into this?
By Becco_UK
seco7: I don't bother with Next Limit number and lettering scheme after seeing how RC1 turned out!

I would like an automated animation function in the plugin. Imagine doing a lengthy one by hand, one frame at a time. It would be like getting up in the night to feed a new baby for each frame.
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By 3dtrialpractice
this is EXACTLY what iv been having to do, one frame at a time

Ive posted a bug, even tough maya plugin let me export, frames 1-30
after i launch a comad prompt with the -a:1-30 flag, once frame 1 finished, it prompts "render fails" so right now, even if you guys do get a c4d animation export, looks like the rc engine dont wanna do it, and looking at what they fixed in rc4 id dont look like they fixed it, in their post dont say anything about animation..

in fact im really bumed if you look under bugs section wheter i posted the animaion problem, nextlimit dont even acknowledge that this IS a bug, all posts around it say "known bug" but it looks like they are ignoring animation

makes me really sad,
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