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By Maximus3D

I got a quick question here, as i'm messing with C4D i can't seem to find how you can view your textures in C4D's viewport when using the Maxwell plugin. It makes it kinda difficult (read impossible) to know how they're applied to your objects.

Is there any solution to this or should i just roll over and die instead ? :)

/ Max
By sunmade
Just make a C4D mat with the texture.

Apply it to the object.

The projection method, tiling of the c4D mat etc will be transfered to Maxwell

It will render fine in Maxwell.

Or you could make a mxm with the same texture as the c4D mat and throw that on the object(as well as the c4D mat). if you want to take advantage of the Maxwell Mat Editor.

Hope you see what I mean.
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By Maximus3D
I see what you mean and i tried that but it works for simpler materials like a floor, wall, ceiling and similar which only uses one colortexture. However my multilayered materials are close to impossible to fit onto objects when i can't see anything in the preview and that's quite annoying and frustrating. :(

Guess i have to use the "other" one until a new and improved C4D plugin is coded and released. This current one is just stacking up to many problems at the moment.

Thanks Chris

/ Max
By sunmade
ah yeah, unfortunately you are right.

my solution only works for very basic mats, one tex applied.

sorry Maximus 3D, I wish I could've helped more.

Do you know how the other plugins work?
I mean, are they able to preview mxm's or multilayered tex mats inside the modelling app?

If yes, than me want that too for Cinemaxwell ;-)
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By Maximus3D
No worries Chris, a little bit of help is better than no help at all. :)

The other plugin works but it can't display multilayered materials in the viewport, i'm not even sure that's possible to do. However it can display textures in C4D's viewport from it's materials which helps when you tile and align them properly to your objects. That's basically the only difference between the two plugins now, and some other minor stuff.

I do hope we get that for C4D's Maxwell plugin and soon! :) it would help the workflow alot and i also want support added for hdr's just like there is in Studio, that i want in the C4D plugin.

/ Max
By sunmade
So let's hope we get some news from Nicole about the coder issue.

It has gotten so quiet here on the forums, it feels like a ghost city...

Maybe it's the summer holiday?

Oh well.

Have a nice sunday Maximus3D. :-)

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By Maximus3D
I hope you're right, Niccy should be back at work tomorrow and hopefully during the week she can shed some light on this mess.

This silence is deafening.. brrr, it just has to change or hope will fade away :/

Nahh, the summer holiday's are long gone. Now it's this time of the year when people are back at work again after sleeping for 4 weeks in the sun.

Thanks Chris and you too have a a nice Sunday :)

/ Max
By seco7
Yes Max, the lack of integration within C4D is THE stumbling block for me. Lack of viewport support is number 1 on my wish list.
By dynaraton
This is my #1 issue as well. I can't use maxwell for big architectural projects. The workflow slows me down too much. I get headaches trying to figure out where my materials are.
Does anyone know if the other plugins like Max or Maya have this capability?
I know the Maya users seem happy - maybe because they got this already....
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By Eric Lagman
I mentioned this about 6 months ago. The c4d plugin has been a no go simply because of this. It is far to much work to organize and place textures with the current plug-in. Maxwell materials need to be integrated into c4d just like cinema textures are. I am sure they are aware of this, but it is taking years to get a plugin that works for cinema.
By lichtwerk
Well, there is not mutch for me to add. I would like to use maxwell mutch more frequently, but just can't put up with the rudimentary plug.
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