By spiderman
I've formatted my pc ,install a new fresh Lightwave 9.3 but I can't install the maxwell plug-in , the error message says :Plugins were not found or couldn't be added.It installs the menu branch ,the plug-in is not really loaded.

win xp 64 ,lw9.3 32 bit ,Maxwell 64bit (the program not the plug-in)
Any ideas ?

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By RonB
Maybe it has to do with so many different bit versions you are running. Why 32 bit LW on 64 bit XP? Also 64 bit Maxwell and 32 bit plugin?

I am running 64 bit XP and 64 bit LW, there are a couple plugs that I wish were 64 bit but not enough for me to run LW 32. Is that the reason you are running 32 LW?

I don't know, just a thought.

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By Mihnea Balta
Please install this package from Microsoft and try to load the plug-in after that. If that doesn't work, try with this one (no need to uninstall the first one, I don't even think you can and it's better to have it anyway).
By lopatam
different name but same studio:-)

Thanks we've solved with the installation of the first file .

No problems with all this different 32 and 64 bit versions .

Thanks again

By Kai Weiberg
Same here.
Just installed LW 9.6 64Bit to my fresh Win XP 64 with lw_maxwell plugin, but
they just refuses to work and install manually.

And I also notice that new version of lw_maxwell can not render scene directly from LW. Need to Export it to MXS and load in to Maxwell Render.

Any tips?
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By Mihnea Balta
For 64-bit you need another package, get it from here. The link I posted above was for 32-bit Windows.

The plug-in should be able to render directly from LW. Make sure you have the buttons set up correctly, as described in the second post in this thread.
By Kai Weiberg
Mihnea Balta wrote:For 64-bit you need another package, get it from here. The link I posted above was for 32-bit Windows.

The plug-in should be able to render directly from LW. Make sure you have the buttons set up correctly, as described in the second post in this thread.
Thanks a lot! Everything works just fine!!! :D
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