Everything related to Maxwell network rendering systems.
By raster
Hi all,

First post from me at all. But I really don't get it.

Is it possible to start a network render job time-delayed? My colleagues need their computer during the day (like everybody I think :wink: ), but some of them have really unsocial working times. To not bother them it would be cool to be able to start the render jobs at 2am for example -that's not the time where I'm able to hit the renderbutton. I'm working with 1.71, the Rhino-PlugIn and WinXp.

Have I overlooked a button? I would expect such a button/ functionality within the "Add Job" Window. Or are their other possibilites to get this problem solved?

Thanks for any hints!
Last edited by raster on Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By raster
Yeah. I think so. :-) But does nobody else missed this feature before? Or what workarounds are possible to get my renderjobs started to a time I need?
Fernando Tella wrote:... I think the only option now is to ask your colleague to start the node app before leaving the office.
I put the maxwell-server shortcut in their autostart folder, so it's always on when they are on. But they are working on critical stuff sometimes with a lots of reboots during work. No chance for me to start a job as long as they are doing their reboot-turns (software testing guys). That's the reason for the after-work-render-start-wish...

When I'll find a way I let you know.
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By jomaga
I think this sort of thigs can be done with Maxwell scripting. There's no manual yet, but you can take a look at the examples provided with the instalation
By raster
A colleague showed me the "planned task" functionality in windows. I never used it before. Maybe this will help in combination with a small batch-file. Scripting itself sounds hard for me, but I'll will have a look at it after I tested the planned task thing.
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