Hello there,

I'm a quite-old computer graphist, involved in 3D since Amiga (yes, i'm very old)...

I can model quite everything, from lowpo to highpolys, everything except monsters and characters... I'm more an object modeller...

About Rendering, i'm now rendering almost all my projects with Maxwell... well... not 100% of animations, regardless of the customers' time allowed to render...

My little "plus" is a renderfarm, only for me ;-)
Here is an excel sheet i've made to know the price regardless of rendertime...
Also, i have another sheet to estimate the rendertime on my mini renderfarm, just from your rendertime infos (SL, CPU, resolution, time)...


here are the english translations :
Prix au GHz : Price per Ghz
prix à l'H : price per hour
dégréssivité : degressive price
Heures : hours
pourcentage remise : discount percentage
au lieu de : instead of
économie : you save...

Please do not hesitate contacting me, even if only for rendertime...
And also : i can keep projects secret... and i can sign NDAs...
Hi ,

I use Rhino to design jewellery and purchased Maxwell Render V2 Standard about three years ago. I have not been able to generate any good quality renderings and need some help to set up a lighting scene where I can just replace the jewellery items to do my renderings.

Obviously I'm prepared to pay but I live off a disability pension and my resources are very limited.

If you are able to assist me I would be delighted.

Many thanks.

Hello Rhodian,

Should i advise that you should use KeyShot for easy studio-like rfasts rendering ?...

Regardless of using Maxwell, you should first use the IOR files (not bsdf materials, but ior "mesured datas" type of materials...)
Maxwell is provided with a lot of them, specially metals and precious gems...

Also, you may want to model and light a nice studio stand...
You'll find many video tutorials for this, you can watch those for Vray, but ok you'll have to adapt to maxwell shaders and lights...
But the cyclo background and the lights placement will be usefull...

And, don't forget in 3D rendering, maximum values for diffuse color are 242, not 255...
That means a white piece of paper should be rendered with a diffuse RGB of 242-242-242

hope that helps !
I use Rhino to design jewellery and purchased Maxwell Render V2 Standard about three years ago. I have not been able to generate any good quality renderings and need some help to set up a lighting scene where I can just replace the jewellery items to do my renderings.

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