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Hi all! I decided to get back with Maxwell for my personal work. It always delivers on organic nuances of color and light. I also used Realflow 10 for the liquid simulation.


Description: A springtail is a small insect about the size of 3mm. It uses a special tail called the "furcula" to launch itself. This particular one is of the semi-aquatic kind. I was inspired by watching a video by AntLab ( I thought it was the most amazing gymnastics trick in nature. lol

Some creative decisions were made for color design. I've settled on experimenting with the NCS color wheel. It uses a different set of primary colors, and I made an interpretation to help me organize the piece. The "past" was interpreted as the Red/Green colors and the "future" Blue/Yellow. The present is a bit of a mixture of all these primaries. The reason why I chose that color set distinction is because I tend to think the future to be "bright" and "happy" so Blue/Yellow usually goes well together, in contrast to Red/Green.


Haha, thanks.

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