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By polynurb
JCAddy wrote:The last image posted is perfect. Great atmosphere and amazing sense of scale. Lovely.

totally... :!:

how do you design your stuff.. start with sketches? or from scratch in 3d.. physical models?
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By Rochr
polynurb wrote: totally... :!:

how do you design your stuff.. start with sketches? or from scratch in 3d.. physical models?
It varies from piece to piece. In the last case i made a rough sketch on the windows and went from there in C4D.

I get inspiration from all sorts of things and grab a piece here and there trying to make something unique out of it.
Although i often find it easier to just start modeling and do some experimenting that way. :)
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By ivox3
Number one, ..... who won the Lamborghini? Because if it was Kurt --- he cheats.

Number two, ...anyone else curious what's on the other covers ? I am.. lol..

Number three, my photons are totally out of control --- I'd really like to read that article.

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By djflod
phantastic update ... you really know how to impress ;)
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By djflod
Amazing ... The mood and your use of light is fantastic
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Chocolate test with SSS
