Add here your best high-quality Maxwell images.
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By moreschipaolo
eric nixon wrote:Moreschi thanks for the info, by the way @Roughness 100, the R90 colour is ignored. Its a special case, you may well know this already, (fairly irrelevant knowlege, unless people waste time tweaking an ignored value.... )
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By moreschipaolo
numerobis wrote:impressive! really a great gallery! 8)

Are you using emitters for the daylight?
And can you say something about the rendertime on your 5 xeons?
They are all very clean. And i think the orignal image size was much higher?
thank you numerobis!
numerobis wrote:Are you using emitters for the daylight?
what image do you mean? because they are a bit different
numerobis wrote:And can you say something about the rendertime on your 5 xeons?
rendering times are very vary SL 18-20, rendering time from 12h to 30h maximum
numerobis wrote:They are all very clean. And i think the orignal image size was much higher?
file in the original high resolution have a bit of noise, but noise in print is not obvious. the maximum resolution is 5040x3600px.
By numerobis
moreschipaolo wrote: what image do you mean? because they are a bit different
the scene with glass bricks for example
moreschipaolo wrote: ... 12h to 30h maximum
I was afraid to hear that... :wink:
thanks for the info!
moreschipaolo wrote: Roughness Value 100
interesting, so roughness 100 is the way to go... instead of all those fancy multi layered materials :lol:
By MartinBrinks
Just looked through the images one more time, and I really like the light, the glass/windows and the camera placements.

But I do miss one thing, and that's a wee bit more diversity in the materials. A more uneven surface reflection-wise on some of the wooden furniture etc.
By kami
wow, these images really are perfect! I'm speechless.
I kind of like that they don't have these imperfections in the materials, which makes them feel a bit superficial.
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By Asmithey
WOW!!! That says it all! Great renderings.
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