By Witt3D
Hello i´m a maxwellrender user since beta and i´m trying to get an answer for what i mean is incredible.

Does anyone test the plugin in a deep way??
I´m the only one who has problems with the plugin.

i will try to explain the problems.

First of all and the biggest problem is the way the plugin handles the materials. If you open the hypershade with more tha 20 materials is usual tha maya crash wit a memory run time error. ( 4 processor, Nvidia Quadro 4500 fx, 4 GB RAM). It´s IMPOSSIBLE to work in a normal scene with the hypershade graph and 20 or more materials.

Sometimes tha maxwellrender options in the atributte editor are off and you can´t configure any Maxwellrender option. the solution restart Maya.

The light values aren´t real for maya, now there is a limit and sometimes with the camera configuration you can´t ilumate anything with the higest values for the emitter.

There are lots of more problems but i think these are the most important.

Now my productivity has gone down a lot.

So, there is a plan to change this policy for the maya plugin?
By cali3d
The only problem I have ad so far, is the damn annoying render message when rendering the material swatches. I know I can just turn them off, but I really use the swatch rendering.

The popup message is especially annoying on OS X. cause the window blocks everything else.

I have seen a few crashes, but nothing that I have been able to reproduce. They seem to come out of the blue
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