By Robert Turner
With the new maya/maxwell plug-in i get an error when creating a new project(File>Project>New...) when i select the "use defaults" option i get an error "Error: Object not found: np_FileLocationMaxwell Scene" after that i can not create a directory. I have to unload Maxwell from maya and reload it after i create the directory.

And on launch of or when i activate the Maxwell Plug-in Maya 7.0.1 i get an error "Error:Parrent attribute was not found."

Any ideas, this is a fresh install of Maya 7
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By Joss
Confirmed. This error were even in the previous version of plug-in, but i forgot to write it in bugs list.
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By Mihnea Balta
The "parent attribute was not found" error is due to a Maya 7 bug. I think it was discussed in another thread already, but we're looking for a workaround. The error message is mostly harmless, it only means you won't be able to control the Reflectance 90 color used when automatically converting native Maya materials (it will default to white). If this is a problem, convert the material manually to a Maxwell material (using the shader type dropdown) and tweak the color afterwards.

The other error means that Maya doesn't know what to do with mxs files by default. However, it doesn't need to, since MXS export doesn't use Maya's directory facilities. We'll take care of the error message in the next update.

The functionality of the plug-in should not be affected by these two error messages, but please tell us if you're having other problems using the plug-in.
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By Joss
Plug-in working just fine, it's just impossible to create project with MX loaded. I think, btw, that separated directory for .mxs would be good - just like prman's RIBs and mr's render files.
By Robert Turner
yeah, as far as i can tell, the two errors do not break anything, other then making a new project, its more irritating then a show stopper. I would like a separate .mxs directory, that would be very nice, Pixar's RenderMan dose it, the separate directories are very nice for project management.
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