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By Ernesto
I have this WARNING all the time, and cannot make Maxwell save correctly the images!
What am I doing WRONG?

I have to save them manually after stopping the process, but in the Conssole I keep having these ORANGE warning, all the time!

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By Ernesto
I am working on a network, and am using Maya 7
Is there any limitation of the pluggin?
Anybody having this problem?

I have set the Maya Project so it SHOULD know where to save the files!!!!!!

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By Mihnea Balta
That error means Maxwell can't write to the specified path. Check that the path exists and that the Maxwell process has permissions to write there.
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By Ernesto
I have just found!!!
That I have to write the .png extention in the name box.
It was not enough checking the PNG format in the Extention BOX!

It is necesary to do BOTH!

Chocolate test with SSS
