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By kami
I'm trying to achieve a good curtain material. like this one:

and all I'm getting is:

any hints?
for speed reasons I'm not working with sss or thin-sss, but I guess I could. but my first tries didn't look much different ...
the curtain is modelled one-sided at the moment.

thx for any help!
cheers, kami
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By Half Life
There's a gauze material on the gallery that may be a good start for what you are looking for -- although thin SSS seems to be the most logical choice.

I would set attenuation to something like 1mm, Nd to 1.3, and coef to something like 1000... and set asymmetry to something like -0.05 -- use thin SSS at about 0.5 mm and tweak until it looks right.

By kami
thanks a lot. that looks very promising.

thats with the mxm you sent:

still a bit dull, but I'll try to tweak it a little. maybe upping the reflection and trying to bring in even more sss.
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