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By m-Que
December displacement contest turned out to be a great success, with more than 180 materials uploaded. Since displacement went so popular among the Maxwell users, why not follow Hollywood traditions and make a sequel. Not original, you say? Who cares! What really is important is that we would get another massive portion of great materials. No, I'm just kidding. :lol: But I'm curious, if it would be true, would people create even more exciting materials, better then those we had here in the last month. I'm sure there's much more to be done with displacement...

Anyways, perheps someone's got some great ideas for the next contest, so why not share them here!!! Who knows, maybe someone can come with something really extraordinary.
Plants and trees would be nice!
Also food is something really difficult with lots of displacement!
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By Maximus3D
I wouldn't stretch it as far as saying a followup displacement challenge would be as successful as this first one was for them, there'll be far less contributions to this new challenge, it won't pass by 180 this time.

Besides there's no point competing about any prizes anymore, the usual suspects win no matter what so i'm not gonna bother. It's a waste of time.

/ Max
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By Hervé
(off topic).. I really really like your avatar m-Que.. so cool.. kiss of death..? :wink:
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By Bubbaloo
Maximus3D wrote:Besides there's no point competing about any prizes anymore, the usual suspects win no matter what so i'm not gonna bother. It's a waste of time.
I hope you don't quit uploading the great materials, though!
That would be a shame. :cry:
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By Mattia Sullini
What about introducing a "forced standby" for those having won during the last competion? Let's talk clearly, because i do not like to make allusions and not to take the full responsability of what i post: evidently Sabkarim has A LOT of time to spend playing with .mxms, and that is at least as important as his skills for getting good materials. I know id doesn't seem fair, but if someone that can manage to set such great materials as Max (that besides this seems to be the quetiest and gentlest man on earth) looks a little bit bothered by the results an looses his enthusiasm, i guess that we are missing the real spirit of such competitions.
last note: you can't say this comment comes out from my frustrations, since i already placed 3 times in the competitions and i haven't uploaded any entry this time right because it seemed fair to me.
Sorry for my awful english, i hope you managed to catch the overall meaning nonetheless!
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By Bubbaloo
I think the contest awards are just an incentive to get people to add more great materials to the site.
I have never added an mxm with high hopes of winning.
If I did win, it would just be a bonus.
My real purpose for uploading is to share great materials with others who are just as enthusiastic about Maxwell as I am and to hopefully give something useful in return for all the great mxm's I have downloaded.
Win or not.

Bad attitudes about not winning and jealousy over those who do win are only going to put a stop to these great prizes.

Does anyone really want that?
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By Maximus3D
Mattia: First of all, thank you :oops: you're way to kind with words.

Some clarification is in place from me on this, the main reason why i ditched all my uploaded materials is after seeing the other uploaded one's now during last month i realized i was way off and not even close to having even the smallest of chances in the competition. Something drastic had to be done and that's why i cleared out all my contributions. This is not related to anything else.

But i should say what i think about the competitions in general. I understand the purpose and the goals with having them, that's alright. But what i think rhymes bad is that they have no ceiling, which allows the top artists to win each time and a infinite amounts of times, that rule in itself rips the creative spirit away from the rest of us as we see there's no real chance to come close to the top 3 in the challenges. And i'm not supporting such a system.

I'd be happy to see some new artists win, i mean the pizza and the snowfall materials were great creative contributions and winners in my eyes. I think it's a shame these guys and many more went emptyhanded for their work. But that's just my personal opinion.

/ Max
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By Hervé
Maximus3D wrote: ....
But i should say what i think about the competitions in general. I understand the purpose and the goals with having them, that's alright. But what i think rhymes bad is that they have no ceiling, which allows the top artists to win each time and a infinite amounts of times, that rule in itself rips the creative spirit away from the rest of us as we see there's no real chance to come close to the top 3 in the challenges. And i'm not supporting such a system. ....

/ Max
no offense Max... but welcome to the world.. :wink:
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By Bubbaloo
The excellent competition should drive you to improve.
That's what it does for me.
Eliminating or holding back the competition has never helped anyone get better.
Also, just because you weren't selected for winning doesn't mean your materials are no good!!!
I'm glad I already downloaded them before you yanked 'em! :D
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By Maximus3D
Hervé: No this is not the real world, this is all fake.

Bubba: I guess that's proof of everyone being different. See your goal is to improve which is why this fits you like a glove, my goal is a different one. About winning, if you check my comments in the thread about last months competition you will see that i knew already by then i would not win, and i were correct as predicted so i'm not surprised at all. What bothers me is that other users never really get a chance when they see the same crowd picking up the prizes each time. And i talked to quite a few who participated and they all say the same. I'd say that's a worrying pattern emerging for future competitions here.

Btw, my creations will be hosted elsewhere instead of on the MXM site. Once it's online i drop a note here on the forum.

/ Max
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By Hervé
nah nah nah... the world is just one LARGE COMPETITION, and it all start at school... later for jobs.. even to get a place in a cemetery there is competition... like a big monopoly game.. but no dice.. 99,9999999% of born poor people stay.. poor.. so the competition is unfair.. and everywair.. and soon, there will be no air left for free.. I mean even to go to toilets you got to pay..

anyway, I was just deamin' of a better world.. sorry to HighJohn the thread... :wink:
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By Hervé
.. just a thought Max... maybe that would be fair if a user can only win once a year..? then the competition would sound... "could be better"..

anyway.. be the best Max.. and you'll win..
(btw, you're posting always to early.. wait a little... then boum.. attack.. ! You're good Max, and a lot of users take advantage of your impatient postings.. take the advice from an old fart like me... wait... wait some more.... Bite !!) :D

Ya got to be more strategic Max... you are already a great artist.. ! :wink: 8)
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?