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By Mattia Sullini
Ok...let's see all this from a different point of view. Competions should be for NL a chance to bound old users to the software and to attract new ones both through quality and the number of contendants, right? I guess that a lot of people would feel frustrated by the fact that prizes are often won by almost the same group and abandon the contests, and i think also that seeing everytime the same names winning is not good advertising if aimed to potential new customers, because it gives the feel that there is only a few people that can master mxm creation. And both this behaviours are not good for NL, i think.
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By Bubbaloo
Maximus3D wrote:What bothers me is that other users never really get a chance
As far as I know, everyone has the same chance.
Next time I could create a material that blows everyone else's out of the water (not likely).

Have you looked at decembers winning material?
It is amazing!
While not a material I would use often if at all, I understand that the creativity needed to come up with this idea and the execution were deserving of the top spot.
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By Maximus3D
Hervé: Something like that, they may win at most 2 times totally. If they complain, which i'm sure they will then screw them. Those guys already won, give the newbies a chance now and let them have some fun and get inspired, giving them the same opportunity to start from scratch, create something pretty and get some funky gadget for their hard work. And to be honest i've seen several skilled newbies and other users which been showcasing both talent and skill. If they only got a chance to be brought out in the daylight instead of being overshadowed by the same gang of winners month after month. I'd personally be happy to stand back and let others win, which i'm doing now as long as see a change from the current system that is.

About being impatient Hervé, i know it's a problem and i can't help it. :( sucks everything got posted early but it would still made zero difference to be honest. What's posted is posted and minds are made up in advance so even if you drop in your contribution later it should in theory be judged just as well as those being sent in the last minute. Shouldn't they ?

Mattia: Well said! thank you.

Bubba: In theory yes everyone has the same chance, but not if you start looking at the patterns occuring at every contest. You can then easily track down a selected group of big uploaders on the MXM Gallery which win often, and some random newcomers to the Gallery but those are rare. And i looked at the winning material, wasn't to impressed. Sure it's good but not THAT good if you know what i mean. But then again, i'm not complaining about this competition and it's winners, i'm just a bit thrown off balance after seeing my prediction were as accurate as it were and i honestly thought things would change now but they didn't. I participated to try to make a difference but i quickly noticed my skills are way to low to bother with it in the future.

Ok sorry, i babbled enough now. I bet i get to eat my words soon.. :/

/ Max
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By Hervé
Maximus3D wrote:
About being impatient Hervé, i know it's a problem and i can't help it. :( sucks everything got posted early but it would still made zero difference to be honest. What's posted is posted and minds are made up in advance so even if you drop in your contribution later it should in theory be judged just as well as those being sent in the last minute. Shouldn't they ?

/ Max

Max, here is the point... no matter if you post early.. or the latest.. I mean for the classification... BUT, what I'm saying is that this gives others the level of competition to beat.. I mean if I see (and this is just an example) that the entries are very high, and If I want to participate, I know what should be the level of my work.. this is the reason I was giving to you ... I mean the reason why you should post later... Max.... do you know the sentence " know your enemies !" :wink: :wink:
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By iker
Personally I don't like this kind of competitions but I guess they're necesary to stimulate people and force them to share materials, but monotony can be frustrating as well... and the jury has to do the job correctly because if not others can be frustrated as well, and if those are not frustrated then the others become frustrated...blablabla .....competitions

...let's do it like football :lol: , first division materials winner, second...etc

...just joking, I think is a difficult subject to solve in an equitable agreement.
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By Bubbaloo
It's pretty simple.
Best material wins.
It is irrelevant who submitted it.
In fact, to be fair during the competitions, the names should be withheld from the judges just to ease people's minds about fairness and bias.
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By m-Que
Back to the contest winners again...
I was a bit upset about the winning material - the toothbrush. It's a high-quality material, no doubt, BUT was I surprized when I figured out that material is actually worthless when you don't have a toothbrush model :shock: . So the only thing you can do about it is just enjoy the sample images. Sorry, I didn't want to be critical at all, the material is good. The thing is that I can't actually make much use of it... :?

As for the rest, perheps there should be made some changes in competition rules. Otherwise people get sort of bored, and in the end we will get more low-quality materials, which certainly isn't good.
:twisted: If someone wants to go really radical, we can go on strike, like the hollywood writes, and stop uploading materials, till we get what we want. :twisted: NO, don't take me serious, I was just kidding!!! Really :lol:
By JCAddy
Bubbaloo wrote: to be fair during the competitions, the names should be withheld from the judges just to ease people's minds about fairness and bias.
I think this should settle it all and sounds like an easy fix.
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By ivox3
Remember, ...The MXM Contest has never been necessarily just about the practicality of the material, but a demonstration of the particular feature being highlighted -- in this case displacement.

Try to not turn the idea of the contest into something of and about petty grievances , but see the creativity of any given winnner and let it inspire something for the next one.

Could there be any other approach than this ?

I'd hate to see this go the way of 'POLLS' in the fourm ......... :lol: ....and we all know what happened to those ........ lol.

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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