Everything related to http://resources.maxwellrender.com
By nicole
Hey everyone,

we have introduced a new voting system in the MXM Gallery!

This new system is based on "positive" voting. If you like a material, you can give it an appreciation point. If you don't like a material, you just don't do anything, negative voting is no longer possible. Materials that already had votes have only kept the positive ones.

We hope you will find this a fair and easy-to-use system!


By dilbert
I've always been puzzled by this topic. Can someone tell me why on earth it even matters what "rating" a material is given. Does anybody really download materials purely based on their rating?? I've uploaded 4 materials in my short Maxwell career, and frankly, I couldn't care less if everyone in the world voted them as a zero. I uploaded them as I thought they might help someone with a project, not because I wanted a pat on the back from the world. I think there must be a lot of users who need their ego's stroked :wink: Just my opinion though.
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By Bubbaloo
I don't want to waste time downloading and testing mxm's that are too low quality. The rating system lets everyone know if the material is good quality or not... supposedly. It's just too bad there are some that don't vote based on quality level for some reason.
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By Bubbaloo
Maybe to vote, a short comment and voters name can be mandatory. It will make people accountable for their votes. Also, if I see some high votes by certain respected mxm experts, it would speak highly of a material and I would be more likely to download it.
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By Fernando Tella
Well, when I search for a material I usually choose the category and start looking at the higher rated. For that to be useful, ratings have to be related with the material quality. Unfortunately there are some people that, who knows why, like to give bizarre ratings which make the rating system useless.

I think this new rating method is a great idea. It makes rating look less important (you know, when some people see a score just want to be first), avoids spiteful rating and makes the rating useful.
By dilbert
I guess it's just a matter of the way you like to work. I have never even looked at the ratings when I'm downloading MXM's as the preview image thumbnail gives me an immediate idea of whether I like the material. I don't care if someone else thinks it's great, or someone else thinks it sucks, the important thing to me is whether it looks good to ME. If it does, I download it, if it doesn't I don't.

The only people I've ever heard complain about the "rating" procedure is the people who actually uploaded the material. It seems like people get their feelings hurt if they get a zero from some random guy in some random country that they will never meet. The material is going to appear in the "New materials" section every day regardless of how "good" it is, so it is totally redundent.

The only zeros I worry about is the ones that are written on the paychecks that come from my clients. :D
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By Fernando Tella
dilbert wrote:I guess it's just a matter of the way you like to work. I have never even looked at the ratings when I'm downloading MXM's
When you are in a hurry I guess you don't look at every material; if you look at higher rated materials you should get a bigger probability of finding good quality materials, that's all.
dilbert wrote:The only people I've ever heard complain about the "rating" procedure is the people who actually uploaded the material. It seems like people get their feelings hurt if they get a zero from some random guy in some random country that they will never meet. The material is going to appear in the "New materials" section every day regardless of how "good" it is, so it is totally redundent.

The only zeros I worry about is the ones that are written on the paychecks that come from my clients. :D
I agree.
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By Mattia Sullini
This new system works really fine, and this is showed in the first positions where you actually find the real mxm gurus and the best materials of all times.

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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