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By jdp
I am struggling with a very strange effect:

map in mat editor:


original map:


effect in rendering (notice bending and stripes):



any hint?
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By tom
Avoid using 32-bit TGA (with alpha) for your maps. Was it?
By JDHill
Hi jdp,

I've seen this type of thing when reading bitmaps (in code) from one format into another format...I'd suggest trying to save the map in another format, or with another editor. For example, I saved the image from the webpage (.png), and it loads fine into MXED here.

Hope it helps.

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By DrMerman
Interesting error. Looks cool though :D

(and I agree that changing your image file format should solve it...)
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By jdp
thx guys, it was exactly a bad bitmap export (no tga, though). all the bmp were from illustrator, I now have png and it works smoothly!

I'll post the material as soon as it is ready: I think it's quite exciting for huge glass facades...

btw, I also think that the effect is cool, particularly the stripe effect, so I kept the original material just in case, I think it should work anyway.
the only problem is that in this material I already reached the layer limit (16) and I think I can't add the stripe effect anymore.. :P
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By Mihai
Why not add the stripes directly to the weightmap, and save it in a proper format? Your material may work now, but may give strange results with future versions of Maxwell.
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By jdp
because I don't really need the stripes actually, and I still have to draw a detailed section of an impossible building! :lol:
I didn't think about future versions compatibility (probably we are not really used to :twisted: :lol: ) but I will keep it in mind....

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