Everything related to http://resources.maxwellrender.com
Ok, I downloaded a few materials and placed them in a folder called Resources/MaxwellMaterials. However, I get errors saying that Maxwell can't find the image file. Is there any way to change the path of the textures to my folders? Shouldn't the texture paths come in as relative, instead of absolute?

And can I reorganize the included library into my Resources/MaxwellMaterials?

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By Tim Ellis
Once you download an mxm with it's textures, put them into a folder, where ever you desire.

Now open the mxm using either MXST or MXED. The MXED will ask you to find the textures. Locate the textures relevant to where you put them.

Now export the mxm from the MXED File menu relevant to the same mxm file you loaded, and confirm to overwrite it.

Next time you use the material, the textures will load correctly, without error messages.

You can check mxms have a texture map loaded correctly, by looking at the yellow/black texture load button. If it has a red line through it, you need to relocate it.

You can put the mxms anywhere you like, as long as the texture locations match. So if you created & saved an mxm in My Documents, but want to move it to another drive, just move it.
You'll only have problems if you move the textures and you'll need to reassign the file paths in each mxm.

Hope this helps,


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