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By misterasset
Fantastic rendering!

Just one question, where is that ADA acceptable? No protection on the sink pipes, I doubt that sink sticks far enough off the wall, and there's no grab bars on the adjacent wall (is there an adjacent wall?) for the toilet.

Other than that it's wonderful. :lol:

Sorry, I do ADA/TAS compliance stuff daily here at the office and have most of the code memorized at this point.
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By lsega77
misterasset wrote:Fantastic rendering!

Just one question, where is that ADA acceptable? No protection on the sink pipes, I doubt that sink sticks far enough off the wall, and there's no grab bars on the adjacent wall (is there an adjacent wall?) for the toilet.

Other than that it's wonderful. :lol:

Sorry, I do ADA/TAS compliance stuff daily here at the office and have most of the code memorized at this point.

this is a really small bath for a residence so the view you seeing is actually through the wall that would exist for the side grab bar on the toilet. I've been debating how I wanted to incorporate the grab bars around the sink and you're right it might not be too far out but I don't have much turning radius in there (which sucks). Thanks for the comments though! Definitely will consider what you're saying!

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By misterasset
Oh, well, for a residence you don't need to meet ADA, thankfully.

I showed it to a coworker and she said I was going to get hate mail for my post but said that it was a good design and very cozy. :D
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By lsega77
misterasset wrote:Oh, well, for a residence you don't need to meet ADA, thankfully.

I showed it to a coworker and she said I was going to get hate mail for my post but said that it was a good design and very cozy. :D
Tell her I said thanks! [Edit] Actually that's very encouraging because I've never really designed a bathroom before![EDIT]

By yadikrisnadi
Its very nice picture.
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By lsega77
Just updated the render (see first post). Having an issue with the material on the chair. Still grainy after 8 hours though. I think in this case it's more of a computer issue than anything else.

Crits/Comments would be appreciated...


By marked001
#175296 could possibly be the 'white' on the sink and toilet that's causing the noise.. what is the rgb of that white? i dont think it should be over 224/224/224.
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By misterasset
It looks good, but the "ceramic" on the sink and the toilet are bugging me. Did you try putting a little bit of SSS on them?

Check out this thread, it has a link to a very nice ceramic material. You can adjust the color if you need to. ... hp?t=17244
lsega77 wrote:I'm a little puzzled by how the bathtub chair (or shower chair in this case) rendered completely black. It's supposed to have a plastic like material on it and with an overhead light there should be some visible highlights. Maybe it's a normals issue...
Did You create that material in the MaterialEditor or in your standard app? When I create a material from the plugin, it renders black, just like yours. Im using Maya 7.0.
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By lsega77
misterasset wrote:It looks good, but the "ceramic" on the sink and the toilet are bugging me. Did you try putting a little bit of SSS on them?

Check out this thread, it has a link to a very nice ceramic material. You can adjust the color if you need to. ... hp?t=17244
Thanks Misterasset, I've downloaded those mats to see it that's the case. ceamic was/is bugging me too. Noise is making it seems coarse and rough which isn't what a smooth white ceramic should look like.

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By lsega77
SunlightRocker wrote:
lsega77 wrote:I'm a little puzzled by how the bathtub chair (or shower chair in this case) rendered completely black. It's supposed to have a plastic like material on it and with an overhead light there should be some visible highlights. Maybe it's a normals issue...
Did You create that material in the MaterialEditor or in your standard app? When I create a material from the plugin, it renders black, just like yours. Im using Maya 7.0.
I actually made the material from the MXED but I think I got my settings a little screwy. I try not to use the plugins for mat creation (actually I didn' think you could).

Chocolate test with SSS
