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By Frances
Here is an update:

July 27th, 2006:

Click for original 1200x900 image:

This is from the same model as the redrum in my gallery thread. Just the other side with a different color scheme.


The painting seems strange. The mirror reflection shows the speculars that I want, but the frame looks dead black and the painting looks flat. :?

This is two SL 12 renders merged together for a combined SL of 14.2.

C&C welcome. 8)
Last edited by Frances on Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By yadikrisnadi
Nice picture as always. Do you apply sss material for wall lighting?
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By Frances
Thanks yadik. :)

No, I didn't use SSS. I used a transmittance and weight map. Here is a screenshot of the material:


And the mxm:

You need to supply your own bitmap. I should add that the weight map may not be necessary in this case. I go through so many iterations of a material that it's hard to tell what's having an effect and what isn't. :oops: I plan to create my own little preview scene just for drapes and lampshades that has a light behind it.
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By Frances
Thanks sandy. It's more like a chaise lounge than a bed. The daybed dimensions are 72"w X 30"d X 36"h.
By yadikrisnadi
Thanks for the info Frances.
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By michaelplogue
Frances wrote:This is from the same model as the redrum in my gallery thread. Just the other side with a different color scheme.

Very nice rendering Mrs. Torrence.....

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By Frances
michaelplogue wrote:
Frances wrote:This is from the same model as the redrum in my gallery thread. Just the other side with a different color scheme.

Very nice rendering Mrs. Torrence.....

All work and no play... :shock:
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By Frances
I've updated the wip image. I changed some of the textures and the camera. I have it cooking still, alternating between two machines set to render to SL 12, which take about 5 hours each.
By Peter Shupe
Fran - I'm trying to add a bitmap to a AGS glass material that I started from the wizard. I was following your post above by putting the jpeg in the transmittance slot. Everytime I put the jpeg in the slot it gives me an error and shuts down the MXED!

Can you give me some advice? Also is this the proper slot to place a map that I want to show up as a ghost image of sorts? Thanks.

Regards Peter.
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By Frances
Peter Shupe wrote:Fran - I'm trying to add a bitmap to a AGS glass material that I started from the wizard. I was following your post above by putting the jpeg in the transmittance slot. Everytime I put the jpeg in the slot it gives me an error and shuts down the MXED!

Can you give me some advice? Also is this the proper slot to place a map that I want to show up as a ghost image of sorts? Thanks.

Regards Peter.
Hi Peter, you should report this in the Bugs section. I know that one user traced a crash problem to a material he created with the material Wizard. I don't remember who it was though.

Try opening the ags_dielectric_basic.mxm from the "ateam's special" folder in the material database/mxm directory. Export (same as Save As) with a new name and try applying your jpeg as you describe. I've done it before without any problem, but I was using ags_dielectric_basic.mxm as my base file.
By Peter Shupe
Thanks Fran - I figured outthe problem. The jpeg was in CMYK mode and not RGB! Apparently that crashes the MXED.

I solved my path issue as well but still not sure why it works but oh well it is fixed. Thanks again.

Regards Peter.
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By abgrafx3d
Beautiful work as usual Frances :D
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By Frances
Thanks Wayne. :)

I was wondering about that oddness with the painting - the specular being more pronounced in the mirrored image. THAT REALLY HAPPENS! :shock: I have a similar situation in one of the rooms in my house and so I took a look. The speculars show more in the mirror. Okay, so I'm easily amused.
Chocolate test with SSS
