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By lpotamianos
yes it is only with maxwell materials. Vray and Fry are ok. My problem is that I do 70% of my work with vray, and the rest with maxwell, and it is very annoying!
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By lpotamianos
I installed max2009 design + maxwell for max2009 plugin, and started a new residential project (4 tall buildings). I started modelling, and as usual, did the materials as they were needed in the scene along with the modelling. As the scene started to grow, things slowed down.
Now, with all buildings completed, rotation of the viewport is extremely slow. My system is still the same (vista x64, Gforce 8800GTS, latest NVIDIA drivers, 8GB of RAM). If I apply a standard material to all objects in the scene, viewport speeds up. I switch to vray, apply vray materials, everything feels ok!
I am quite desperate with that, I really want to use Maxwell but I can't get this thing to work efficiently. I move the max window to the second monitor, minimize, do all kind of things, but nothing. My old laptop still navigates better!
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By lpotamianos
can anyone from NL give me an answer? I read that the c4d had a slow viewport problem after importing maxwell materials and was fixed (although my problem has to do with applying materials).
By Bogdan Coroi
How many polygons? What display drivers are set in Max? And what's the FPS difference between the scene with and without the materials applied?
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By lpotamianos
The specific scene is about 450K polygons. 1-2 FPS. If I apply a standard material to all objects in the scene I get around 7-10 FPS. Difference is huge in terms of usability. D3d 9 is as slow as D3d10s. Switching to open GL gives me 1-1.5 FPS, applying a standard material to all objects gives 2-3 FPS.
I have another project (a small villa), at 40K polygons gives 10-11FPS. With standard materials, is goes up to 27 FPS.
NVDIA drivers are the latest (175.16) and up to now I have used many previous versions. This is a maxwell specific problem, it does not have to do with a specific scene (I have completed more than 10 maxwell projects during the last year). Standard materials and vray works fine, it must have something to do with the dual screen configuration.
btw, thanks for answering!
By Bogdan Coroi
And what are the values on your old laptop? And what configuration it has?
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By lpotamianos
laptop is XP pro, core 2 processor, ATI mobility RADEON X1600. with maxwel materials the big scene gives 5-6 FPS. gives me a headache!
By Bogdan Coroi
I see.

There was a drop in the FPS since the first plug-in version because of the material viewport shading. It's more visible in big scenes with a lot of materials because being in range 1-15 with the FPS, every frame drop is a big drop in terms of usability. I will improve it and I'll let you know the result. Thanks for your patience on this one.
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By lpotamianos
thanks a lot! looking forward to it.
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By Mihnea Balta
The problem should be fixed in version 1.7.5 which we've just released, can you check please?
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By lpotamianos
it is perfect!
Thank you NL for your support, now I can work without frustration, and just to let you know, all of my new arch viz projects are done with maxwell, with only one done with vray (I have to do a 4min video).
The only thing that seems weird is how come noone else encountered this problem!
By numerobis
WoW, great that this has been fixed so quick! 8)

and lpotamianos... i've noticed that the viewport display is very slow
with many materials, but i thought that it was the poly count - i hadn't compared it with other renderers... so thanks for pointing this out!!! :D
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By Bubbaloo
I have found with Max Design 2009, the viewport framerate slows down the longer I work in a scene. The scene I'm working on now gets 70-80 FPS at first, then after several minutes of working, slows to 3 FPS! Close Max and reopen brings back the high FPS. I don't know if it has anything to do with Maxwell. I will remove all of Maxwell materials and check.

BTW, I am using plugin 1.7.5 and have a Nvidia Quadro FX 4500 using D3D 9 in Max.
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By lpotamianos
I havent's noticed that, but in almost every max design 2009 session I encounter several weird problems after some hours, and I have to restart max to get rid of them. Sometimes I can't create new geometry, some other times the pivot point will always center itself in every object. I have installed the SP1 but it has not solved the problem
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