Hi guys,

does anyone still have it or know where to download it? It's quite urgent
so immediate help is much appreciated!!

Cheers guys,

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By fuso
Thank you all for your immediate responses and keeping this forum one
of the best I've ever been on! Have a great weekend everyone!

King Regards,

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By Bubbaloo
fuso wrote:Thank you all for your immediate responses and keeping this forum one
of the best I've ever been on! Have a great weekend everyone!

King Regards,

Was that sarcastic?
User avatar
By fuso
Bubbaloo wrote:I guess people responded via pm?
So you can see why I would think it was sarcastic. :wink:
@ Bubbaloo: Certainly no sarcasm there. I'm in this community since
Maxwell alpha and it is one of the most supportive and spirited ones I've
come across so far. Of course there are always exceptions. Maybe you
had some bad experiences... I had 5 immediate responses via pm and
another 6 e-mails in my hotmail inbox. Spot on!

Nice week everyone!
By wr1nkles
hey guys, is ther eany chance i could get the 1.6.6 plugin?

also, i am just wondering if there is any way that i can get this plugin to render the view "with camera correction" on.

User avatar
By Bubbaloo
fuso wrote:
Bubbaloo wrote:I guess people responded via pm?
So you can see why I would think it was sarcastic. :wink:
@ Bubbaloo: Certainly no sarcasm there. I'm in this community since
Maxwell alpha and it is one of the most supportive and spirited ones I've
come across so far. Of course there are always exceptions. Maybe you
had some bad experiences... I had 5 immediate responses via pm and
another 6 e-mails in my hotmail inbox. Spot on!

Nice week everyone!
I agree about this forum. It was just after reading the first two posts, I got the wrong impression about all the responses you got, since they weren't visible. :oops:
User avatar
By fuso
def4d wrote:Fuso : i didn't even ask you why you needed it?
needed what? The plugin?
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