By Dariinsky
Hello, How can I make a camera correction in Max9 and maxwell 1.5.1?
There's camera correction in the max's viewport but there's no correction in maxwell render.

Can anyone help me?

-Sorry by my poor english-

Me explico... En max si es visible la corrección de perspectiva, pero al lanzar el render Maxwell no la aplica...¿?

Muchas Gracias
By Bogdan Coroi
The plug-in doesn't translate the 3dsmax camera correction modifier because it does something different from what Maxwell shift lens does. See here for a more details description.
To use shift lens check your Maxwell camera parameters. You should have the X and Y offsets there. Note also that there is no preview for shift lens in viewport because we haven't find a way to preview it yet.
By Dariinsky
Thanx's. Muchas Gracias. Me pongo ahora mismo a solucionarlo... GRACIAS
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