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By Bubbaloo
You guys (NL & beta team) are starting to make me upset...


I have not experienced these black dots yet. If I did get them in one of my renders, I would have the same options as you; report it in these forums or contact NL for support. Are you certain that your mesh has all verts welded and is closed?

I know it must be frustrating, sorry I can't be more helpful. Maybe some of the guys who have more experience with the new SSS can help.
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By hyltom
Bubbaloo wrote:Are you certain that your mesh has all verts welded and is closed?
I'm absolutely sure...i have checked thousand time and Rhino tell me that 's a close solid polysurface.

Anyway, i think i' m on something interested. I'm making more test right now.
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By hyltom
Here are my other test.

I have start a totally new scene to be sure nothing is related with the previous one.

First test: One floor, one close volume (Plastic Red SSS from the preset) and 6 mxi emitter.

Second test: One floor, one close volume (Plastic Red SSS from the preset) and 6 hdr emitter. (Sometime i also get some black dots but not for every render.)

Third test: One floor, one close volume (Plastic Red SSS from the preset) and 6 basic emitter.
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By hyltom
I can here some of you saying "are you sure your volume is closed?"...

So i make the most simple test: a ground, a sphere and 3 emitter (with multilight). I apply to the sphere a SSS material from the preset library...and here we go

1. using basic emitter (SL 8.45)

2. using mxi emitter (SL 9.06)
Hey! this look almost not least no black dots with mxi emitter, but the material look very different than the picture above...but black dots, where are you? i will not give up, i want you back, come on!

3. using two different mxi emitter (SL 8.09)
I had a hard time to find them, but...YES! finally they are back. Hello my little puppy, i miss you much!

To be more serious, i had to make 20 times the same rendering (without changing much setting) before getting one picture with all the black dots. In this scene it's something very difficult to get. But in some others it's the reverse way, i always get black dots and suddenly i get one good render but if i launch a new one, they are back. Anyway i' m sure there is something related to the mxi emitter as the material never looks like the one rendered with the basic emitter. That's my conclusion to this problem. Now i hope to get some thinking or answer from NL Team and beta tester.

PS: also i still don't understand why it seems to be related to the computer we are using. As i mentioned earlier in this thread, at home i have made a lot of test and never get any problem. Base on my today experience, i will try again at home tonight and see if i can get some black dots.
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By juan
Hi Hyltom,

We are looking into this issue, we cannot reproduce it yet but it looks a bug indeed. We will keep you updated, if finally it is a bug it will be of course addressed for the next patch.


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By hyltom
Thank you very much for your answer Juan....i' m feeling less lonely now at least.
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By Mihai
hyltom, are you rendering these directly from a plugin? Have you tried also loading the scene in Studio and sending the render from there?
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By hyltom
Yes i'm rendering directly from the plugin, but i have also tried to export the scene to studio and launch the rendering from there...and i got the same result.
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By hyltom
Back home and making some more test.

I have good and bad news. The good news is that i' m unable to get any black dots on my home computer. Why? i have no idea. But i'm still trying.
The bad news is that i confirm there is some problem when using mxi emitter and SSS. The SSS material looks always very dark compare with the same scene using some basic emitter. Are you able to reproduce this problem? Can you confirm this is a bug?
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By Bubbaloo
How does mxi compare vs. the same mxi converted to hdr or vice versa?

Try taking an hdr that works correctly and converting it to mxi.

Could it be a mxi format + SSS bug?
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By Mihai
Hyltom could you please send a scene where you always, or almost always get the black dots?
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By hyltom
yes, i can try to do this, but you will have to wait until tomorrow morning that i' m back to office (in 8 hours). Also as i said, i' m not sure it will be useful for you because i have tested my most problematic scene in another computer and i never could get any black dots.

This known, i' m thinking about reinstalling all the system of the computer that render some scene with black dot.

Anyway, as i said also, i would like you to confirm that SSS material looks different if use some mxi emitter. Can you confirm that?
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By choo-chee
it happened to me too, I removed all SSS layers from my scene (lit with physical sky) and they are GONE. it must be a bug with SSS materials' new system.
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