By leoA4D
I opened a mxs file I have used several times from a Pack&Go file and found a number of objects dark gray. When rendered, they are black. When the material editor for an affected (dark gray) object's material is opened, 90%+ of the tab is blank. The name I gave the material is visible. This occurs with simple "color" materials and materials that involve maps (Ivy Generator).


MacBook Pro, 2.16GHz, 2GB, Mac OS 10.4.10
Cinema 4D v.9.6/10UB
M~R v1.5.0.2, C4D/M~R plugin
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By Mihai
Could you please export one of these materials and upload it? Or better use the Extract materials from scene command from the mat editor and upload the materials somewhere.
By leoA4D
Mihai, I emailed the extracted materials to you.
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By Mihai
Thanks! I opened them using the patched version of Studio and I didn't see anything strange, except that some materials don't have any previews. Could you please send me an mxs with just one material that renders black, and the object it's attached to? So some of the materials that render black don't use any textures?
By leoA4D
I am not sure about how to make the materials to send you, Mihai. The bad .mxs did not come from my modeling app this way. The problem .mxs was fine and rendered many times after tweakings. And then one time, I opened it, started rendering and some objects were black (see pic below).

The chaise material is a simple BSDF + Coating while the ivy is from the Ivy Generator using jpg images brought over from Cinema4D. The blank Material Editor appears when selecting the materials for the black objects.

Let me know how to put together the items you requested. I hope the images help along with the extracted materials.



By chrislawes
Ive just had the same problem every single material is now black and has no properties.

The last thing I did before this happened was import an object from another file

Has anyone found a solution for this yet. or have I lost days of work? :cry: :evil:

Right sorted it!!!!

I imported an old version of the file from a few days ago, replacing just the materials seems to of worked.
By leoA4D
Yep, the best way to deal with this strange behavior is to have a back up file to pull out and work with. A back up allowed me to go on. BTW, this has only happened once to one file, which I rendered from many times before it went kafluey.
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By Daniel Hruby
I am having problems with materials going missing as well. I am fooled by basic bit map translation to mxm. My real materials are not linking via the ArchiCAD plug in. I must open MXM and reapplky missing materials. I also can not update my geometry by importing an updated MXS issued by the archiCAD plug in. Maxwell crashes.
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By mgroeteke
Daniel Hruby wrote:I am having problems with materials going missing as well. I am fooled by basic bit map translation to mxm. My real materials are not linking via the ArchiCAD plug in. I must open MXM and reapplky missing materials. I also can not update my geometry by importing an updated MXS issued by the archiCAD plug in. Maxwell crashes.
happening on intel mac only, or also on PPC ?

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By Daniel Hruby
I am only working on the Intel. I did a pack and go to start a rendering on the other PPC. It seemed to transfer over ok. But on the Intel, When I save out of ArchiCAD and open the MXS in Studio, it has about 20% of the materials correctly linked to MXM files and the rest have my ArchiCAD material names with an X through the icon.

Since I use the diffuse maps in ArchiCAD to set the scale of the texture map, it is easy to be fooled into thinking the rendering is working properly with the assigned MXM files. Instead, it creates a basic diffuse texture with my maps. In hindsight I always though my materials were looking a bit flat. Now I suspect a flaw in the export.

The solution would seem to be to just correct the material assignments in the MXS in Studio, save and use the import to make any changes to my geometry while keeping the correct material assignments. However, my problems are now further compounded by the fact that Importing to update geometry crashes Maxwell 90% of the time. The other 10% will delete pieces of geometry that have not even been updated. For example, my window frames disappeared the one time managed to import geometry.

So, for me, one little change in my scene requires a tedious process of saving out a new MXS every time and going through the process of resetting up my scene entourage and correcting the MXMs. I lose about an hour to this cycle every time I have to redo it.
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By Tim Ellis
Could be associated to using the history list.

I have had all mxm bsdf layers stripped from a scene, when using the history list. Seems to be after an object import and using the history list to remove it.

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By zoppo
i had the same yesterday after pack&go.
you always have to open the scene on the other pc in studio and control if everything is still there. very annoying.

maybe that's why it's called pack&(materials)gone ...
Chocolate test with SSS
