By rendek
Hi Everyone,

I ran a quick test from ArchiCAD and I need some advice. Maxwell rendered it, it finished in 16 min 40 sec (max time) yet I still can't find the result image. I searched my hard drive, I found a Maxwell related folder with some textures of previous attempts but that was the closest.

I'm not trying to set up materials, because I understand that they do not transfer to Maxwell. I'm just trying to get a minimal image with one overall material and with Maxwell's sun. (The AC internal sun always resulted a black image for me.) No matter what the time setting is the rendering is always yellowish...

Wish I could show you the Maxwell result as well, but since I could not find or save it, I can't. The scene is just a couple of shapes. It does not matter at this point.

It would be nice to make this work somehow...any ideas?
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By andronikos916

If you want to show us your result, you can always prnt screen and paste it in photoshop!

About the maximum time: the time is actually in seconds. If you devide 1000/60=16.5min approx.

Soon this will be fixed...

About the Sun I do not understand why you have this problem... make sure that your Archicad Sun is during daytime.

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