I got this error message:

"camera.setcutplanes invalid znear/zfar planes"

This message came up on all my existing views out of nowhere when I send a file to mxcl (mxcl never opens, the error comes up in formz after hitting maxwell render).

The only workaround I came up with was to cut and paste the model and the views into another file.

Can anyone offer any insight.

By zak

Try to delete ALL your views and make a render with only one name. which should be short - like "v-A1" f.ex.

Sometimes It get f.... up, if there is one view that conflict - I have not been able to recreate it - but it happens now and then.

Best Regards

Jesper :)
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By juan

It is strange, this message appears when formZ sends znear/zfar values out of range. These values are sent to MAxwell only when "clip Hither/Yon" is enabled. Are you using a perspective camera? Do you have clip Hither/Yon enabled? When did you start to have this issue? was it after upgrading something?


By Gary
Hello Juan:

Nothing changed in my file, and the error message starting displaying in all existing views. No recent updates, yes perspective camera, no clip hither yon. No recent upgrades....

I have striped out all of the geometry from the formz file and it still has the error with all old and new views. I have uploaded the form z file to the same location as the last file I sent you Juan. let me know if you need the address again.


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By mojo
when i get this message, i copy the complete geometry into a new file and create new views again...

that works for me
By Gary
Hello Juan:

Any news on correcting this bug. Had it reappear on a large file. Many views.

Happy to provide more info if it is needed.


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By juan
Hello Gary,

It should be fixed in the next update. We were about to release it but it needs more testing.


By Gary
Hello Juan:

Can you confirm if this bug has been corrected in 1.8?


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By juan
Hi Gary,

It should work fine now with 1.7.



Haha, thanks.

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