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By Asmithey

It seems when ever I use the absolute units for my displacement value the preview of the displaced texture in the material editor looks like a nuclear blast. It displays as if it is way out of scale when set to more than 1cm. But when I render the image with the displacement it renders fine.
So, why is it that when I use absolute units the preview does not fit in the texture preview window?

If have absolute units unchecked, I get undesirable results as objects get further away from the camera. The level of displacements seems to vary. If I use absolute units the displacement is consistent throughout the image, which is what I want. But the preview is whacked.

Any ideas,

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By Mihai
It's because the preview scenes are a small scale so a 1cm displacement on the default preview for example will look huge.
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By Asmithey
Ok thanks. Just want to make sure I was not doing something abnormal during the process.

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By Asmithey
Is it possible to have in the future an option to zoom in and out of the textrure preview window for when this kind of thing occurs?
By medmonds
I have the same frustration with the previews, in particular when as it relates to transparent objects and the depth of attenuation. It occurred to me this morning that I should make several preview scenes of my own that have names that include the size of the preview object. For example 12" cube, 24" cube, etc. That way I can pick the preview scene that makes sense for the material I'm testing.

Hope this helps.
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