By pelias
I can report following:

Problems exporting formZ location/date/time to Maxwell:
- Latitude/longitude for the location is exported properly
- day was off by one day in case of leap year - I've fixed it
- hour/minute was completely wrong - I've fixed it
- GMT - I am getting correct results but you have to keep in mind the difference between formZ and Maxwell format for GMT: formZ uses format based on 12:00 for London (GMT 0 in Maxwell), New York is then 7:00 (-5 in Maxwell).
- city - this information is not exported from formZ at all (there is no way to do that at the moment with Maxwell SDK) so if you open the file in Studio it will always show Afghanistan - Kabul. However latitude/longitude are correct. BTW - this is an issue for all Maxwell plugins.

Problem with SkyDome setting sticking after load of file seems to be fixed as well.

All tests done on Windows only so far - will test on OSX as well.

BTW I have sent a private email to Craig to resolve the problems posting on this forum.
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