Please post here anything else (not relating to Maxwell technical matters)
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By Mihai
If the "proof" for you that they are ignoring speed as a factor, is that they haven't added some "make kind of biased" slider yet, then I understand you still feel the need to start these kinds of threads. But as the saying goes.....the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We have gone over this and over this, and why Maxwell is still here after all this time and in the context of one of these renderers appearing almost every 3 months.

Really, do we need yet again to go into these discussions? Rendering speed is a top priority for the developers and it has always been that way.

Interpolation schema....min.interp.samples, iterations, max geometric error, relaxed interpolation, precomp branching, wobbly doodle dee....

MAN, how can you still be able to split your brains between thinking about a render artistically and dealing with a bazillion parameters that are complete chinese to most people (even the chinese). Oh...the joy of creating.

...and perhaps a bit unrelated to this discussion but when you say to your clients you can hand them the render in 2 hours, and they tell you they need it in 1, and then you hand it in 1 hour, then they say 15 minutes....then you'll be the ones wondering how did you end up in such a stressful job? And why have clients become accustomed to ask for so much, for so little, and to have it yesterday?
By photomg1
Hi Mihai,
just to clarify I've never started a thread like this (pa3k posted this here btw) , bar asking for portals on the wish list in which I never received a reply from you or anyone else
from next limit .
With regards to the rest of what you have written , IMHO you seem to be painting the worst possible scenario (talking of chinese .. etc) .Which is not a realistic point of view from my experience. It seems that a sensible discussion can not be conducted on this topic , where I'm a realist on this and what makes me feel so passionate about it is for example looking at what Ben posted for example was 2hrs for what I would still regard too noisy an image to use. That's a 1280x720 image .To get a print res size image of that of say 5120 could be around 32hrs or roughly 60 euro's down on a farm , and thats for one test and I still wouldn't be happy with the noise level . Versus 3.2 hrs for yes an inferior result , but just how inferior is it ? does it justify another 29hrs plus waiting time.
I'm not trying to get off the maxwell train , and I'm sure no one else ever has due to ease of use or quality requirements . But with regards to time issues , yes I can see that as having an impact.
Anyway I'm tired of this myself, please accept my apology for making suggestions that I thought might have improved the value to me of your product. I'll not do it again.
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By eric nixon
If you increase the sun radius, and turn off the interior lights, that 29hrs becomes 3, is that a practical compromise?
By rusteberg
It's got potential. It's also an "alpha". And just like every startup the developers plan to change the world.

I recently (precariously) used it in production for a set of 360 panos where vray was giving me crap and I couldn't afford to use Maxwell (thank god it worked). It has lots of issues and many obstacles to overcome, but just like every software company alive in the world today, it has a place....

Going from free/alpha to commercial is also a big leap. Basically the point where mice become men which is a transition worth it's weight in gold from an outsiders perspective.
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