Please post here anything else (not relating to Maxwell technical matters)
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By Mihai
Just lost a 1TB drive, of course with stuff I hadn't backed up in a while because of lazyness....hopefully it's just the heads that stopped working, and I managed to find the same model on ebay so I'm going to try and replace the heads. The platters don't have any scratches on them.

Backup every day or suffer! :|
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By Hervé
I use raid1.. not the best.. but at least I feel safer...

I know how you feel Mihai... been there.. :(
By numerobis
I had this experience 5 years ago with an external 2.5" drive where the USB-controller failed. And it was some special creation from WD where the controller is directly soldered on the board of the HDD without a SATA port. And the data stream is encrypted so there was no chance to replace the board... This was my last HDD from WD!!!
Now i'm a bit paranoid concerning my data and i use a RAID1 in the server + two removable HDDs (cartridges) as backup... one of them at a separate location. And no proprietary image file format or compression, just plain file copy.

How do you know that it is a head? Sound of a head crash?

Good luck for the recovery!!!
By paulo
if they are maxwell materials, you can back them up on my hard drive :)
Mihai wrote:Just lost a 1TB drive, of course with stuff I hadn't backed up in a while because of lazyness....hopefully it's just the heads that stopped working, and I managed to find the same model on ebay so I'm going to try and replace the heads. The platters don't have any scratches on them.

Backup every day or suffer! :|
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