Please post here anything else (not relating to Maxwell technical matters)
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By naxos
Dear friends Freelancers and others,
I needed to change a bit from 3D modeling today, so i've created a small tool to keep tracks of work


It is very simple, you create a job, and each time you need to work on it, click "Start"... Once you

stop working, click "stop"... It will compute the amount of time you've been working on that project,

day after day... It can manage as many projects as you need.

Usefull to know how much to bill to your customers, or to know if you are still in the green part of

the budget... Usefull also to answer to a customer that would find the bill too expensive.

The tool can be found here :

To get the launch code, please go 'like' my FaceBook page :

Last edited by naxos on Thu Jul 25, 2013 2:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By dariolanza
Hi Maxos,

Interesting tool for tracking projects!

Useful for almost everyone.


Dario Lanza

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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