By fv
I am using the latest plugin and SU and are no longer able to use the component trees I used to use. I have all sort of export problems and renders fail more often than that they start.

Using Maxwell is really beginning to set me back. Obviously I also love Maxwell but for models with many components and textures it my worst nightmare. Somehow I just strand in almost every project in new problems.
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By Richard
Mate for just that reason when I am going to use a lot of trees I locate them in studio, although that has it's locational hassles
By fv
I can not imagine myself move anything in Studio.
By the time I have things scaled and selectable in Studio I have moved on to another job.

But its an idea I should probably get into deeper.
I am now just doing the rest of the work in PS

By marked001
have you tried using proxes for the trees?
By fv
thx, yes.
By brodie_geers
Like Richard, I've also started locating my trees in Maxwell for the reasons you mentioned. Often times I'd sit there for 15-20 min.s while my skp file exported only to get an error at 99% completion with no explanation as to what it was.

Moving objects around in Studio takes some getting used to but after playing with it a lot in this last project I just finished I've found that after the initial learning curve it's not so bad. The most frustrating thing is not having the ease of a measuring tool to tell me how large a tree is. So if you need to be precise it's not that good. But I'd personally rather something take a bit longer and know I'm not going to have any problems when I click render, than to spend a bit less time up front but not be sure what will happen when I click export.

I think I heard that the next plugin may allow for proxies that aren't located within the SU file, which I think may help out a lot.

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By Richard

Mate you could locate a dummy tree surround in SU scaled to the size of your proposed tree volume - created with a material called "dummy tree" then once you have open the mxs file and located your imported trees to the volume of the dummy just delete the "dummy tree" object in studio.
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