By rboaz
In sketchup what is the best way to model glass for both an exterior and interior rendering. Presently i use a single plane and assign glass material to both sides of the glass plane.

Is this correct or should there be two planes to represent the overall thickness of an insulated unit
By rboaz
Given that and the quality of the architectural images that you have posted. Do you typically use AGS for your glass both for interior and exterior images. Do you use the same model for both interior and exterior renderings
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By Bubbaloo
I use all high grade glass for exterior renders while making sure to model all of the glass panels with thickness. Interior renders I have less experience with, but I think the concensus is that exterior windows shown in interior renders should be AGS so sunlight can pass through without all the caustic calculations.
By rboaz
Just to come to closure. In your exterior models for 1" insulated glass units do you have one plane 1" apart from another plane; or do you have one 1/4" thick unit 1/2" apart from a 1/4" unit.

We use sketchup which I can of course model the 2 single planes but it does not create masses.
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By Bubbaloo
I do 1" panes of insulated glass as a 1" thick box. I think it will work as 2 planes seperated by 1" also.

Edit- Uh, I usually do all my exterior glass as .5" not 1". Inch may be too thick.
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By Richard
Brian - just a question as to why you don't use the AGS for exteriors?
By fv
I check "hide from GI" in Studio for all glass panes. Then I get good glas that does not darken the textures behind it. I wish you could hide a texture from GI in the material editor. When using glass I have no other option then to go to Studio to do this.
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