By marked001
ok..maybe i'm slow :) i've always just used the '35mm photorgraphic still' camera in sketchup to export b/c this works..but now i'm trying to export a scene and i'm using photomatch to align it with a photo, and i really need the viewport 'shown' to be the one that's rendered.. anyone know how to do this?? thanks very much.
By Stinkie7000
Not that I'm the resident SU 2 Maxwell expert, but I'm fairly sure you don't need to use the 35 mm still cam. You can set the resolution through the Maxwell plugin. Keep in mind you'll have to do that for every new scene you add.
By marked001
yeah, but when i set the resolution to match the dimensions of the still cuts off parts of the viewport.. and if i open in studio..same thing, cameras do not match sketchup :-/
By Stinkie7000
I know. For some reason, it's a fiddly process. Shouldn't be, though. Maybe we're missing something?

By marked001
yeah, gotta be missing something.. b/c i know the whole 'photomatch' texture thing is a relatively new feature.. and if that works with'd think you'd have to have the camera matching as well..hmmm... its a super simple image.... so i guess i will just have to fudge it pshop for now.... thanks for trying.

edit..i guess one issue could be that the photomatch images show up in the scene manager as '2d'.. so that could be the issue, b/c i've never had any luck outputting 2 point perspectives correctly...going to tape a piece of paper on the screen and trace the image and try to replicate the angle :-/ haha
By Stinkie7000
Ah! "Getting yer verticals vertical" - in that respect I can actually help. There's a ruby that lets you create a camera (forgot its name, just ask over at SCF, someone's bound to know). Workflow:

- create cam (from camera dropdown menu)
- right-click in viewport. you'll see a dialog box. choose 'edit camera'.
- another dialog pos open. set camera 'tilt' to 0. you can also adjust the height or the focal length, if you like.
- click OK, right-click in the viewport again, from the dialogue, choose 'done'.
By Stinkie7000
Yeah ... that's the plugin Marked is using.
By marked001
yeah.... 'vertical verticals' arent the problem.. just that photomatch somehow someway treats the perspective as 2d..even though its not.who knows.

thanks peder.. yeah, have that plugin.. as long as i select a camera, it works..but weill not just render the screen view :-/ oh well..i'm tweaking in possibly the simplest composite EVER...but i wanted to try to do it right ;) thanks guys.
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