By Stinkie7000
This is a new one for me: after exporting to the Studio (instancing unchecked to avoid weirdness), part of my model's gone. Exploding the missing part prior to exporting, doesn't help.

I am puzzled. :)
By Stinkie7000
It looks like the part of my model that appeared to have vanished, did actually make into the studio. But - it got moved. Now, as said I had unchecked "Instances". So, how on earth is this possible?

I made the move from Leopard to Vista recently just so I could at the very least export my models correctly with "Instances" unchecked. Please don't tell me that was por nada.

EDIT: solved. Implemented work around. Still would like to know why this also happens while using the Windows version. NL peeps?
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By Richard
man thats wierd!!!!!! But so is someone calling themselves stinkie!
By Stinkie7000
"King Dick", Richard? You're not a gay performance artist, now are ya? :twisted:

I really look forward to the day Maxwell doesn't have these kind of strange quirks anymore!

BTW, you know of any tuts on Maxwell mats (apart from mr. Verta's vids, I mean)?
By pelias
This is most likely the problem of objects flipped in SU which are supported properly in MXCL but not in Studio. A fix for this is being prepared on the side of SU plugin.

By Stinkie7000
Seems to work, too! At least, so far. :wink:

Awesome improvement!
By pelias

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By bakbek
pelias wrote:This is most likely the problem of objects flipped in SU which are supported properly in MXCL but not in Studio. A fix for this is being prepared on the side of SU plugin.

Pavol, Here are 3 images - SU Viewport, MXST Viewport and the rendered image sent direct from SU.

This new SU plug has a big problem of moving and rotating geometry on export! this is not the first model it happened in - and i never had any "Flipped objects problem" before this update.



By marked001
i'm still, unfortunately, having this problem with flipped and rotated objects as well..with the new plugin.
By katho3d
bakbek wrote:This new SU plug has a big problem of moving and rotating geometry on export! this is not the first model it happened in - and i never had any "Flipped objects problem" before this update.
I can confirm this here too! In most cases it helps to simply ungroup and regroup the affected objects in Sketchup.
By pelias
Can anyone send me a sample SKP file with Maxwell export settings showing this problem? I was not able to reproduce this so far...

Thank you.

By katho3d
pelias wrote:Can anyone send me a sample SKP file with Maxwell export settings showing this problem? I was not able to reproduce this so far...

Thank you.

Here is a Sketchup 6 scene, containing an isolated object.
After export the upper object has a different position and rotation.
By pelias
Thanks a lot - this really helps. I am working on a fix already.

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