Hello everyone. I have found the perfect solution for SU to Studio UV assignment and texture painting. It is called 3D Coat and it's only $120 for a license. http://www.3d-coat.com/

I am working on a water scene soon to be posted, that uses displacement on the surface of rushing water on a mountain stream. I wish that my maxwell material creation skills were better, so that I could show you it's true potential, but check it out.

I export a model out of SU as an OBJ - Paint it with diffuse and displacement - then export as an OBJ into studio with texture UVs attached.

This is going to push my SU work to the next level.
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By Mihai
What kind of UVs though? One tile per polygon? This may not work so well, especially for displacements. Plus it's impossible to paint more things in such a map, there's no continuity, you basically get a seem at every polygon edge. So ALL the painting you want to adjust you have to do it only in that program, not Photoshop. Even with this (or Bodypaint, Deep Paint 3D, etc) you would still need to make good UVs.
creasia wrote: I am working on a water scene soon to be posted, that uses displacement on the surface of rushing water on a mountain stream. I wish that my maxwell material creation skills were better, so that I could show you it's true potential, but check it out.
Have you checked out hexagon mate? Models organics well too and simple texturing tools.

I might suggest creating a bulk surface using the SU sandbox tools and then adding a normal map to the surface. Displacement I'm finding just bogs renders down for ever!

This surface 95,000 entities rendered in normal time, achieving the same with displacement would have take four times the render time. I know the surface is relatively smooth though the poly count is massive!


The quick render!

By creasia
There are many output options. It allows me to retain the tiled UV mapping from SU as well as creating a single planear UV for the whole surface.

I will post some samples soon. My UVs are working well, but I am trying to get that keytoon water effect, with multi layers. I haven't had time to perfect that yet.
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