Everything related to the integration for Rhinoceros.
Hello everyone,
I have a new bug with the latest Maxwell for Rhino 8 plugin.

When I launched a Maxwell render from rhino, I can't save my rhino file directly. I have to systematically make a new recording, which is very painful.

Here is the message received.


Each time I try to save, I have a temporary file that is created in my file folder and it is not renamed and does not disappear.
it's quite painful. Any idea to correct the problem quickly?
I'm still waiting for a solution to the problem mentioned.
I still can't run a render directly from Rhino to avoid this problem.

I guess I'm not the only user having this problem then, so it would be cool to have some positive news one of these days...

@fernando, Thank you for not forgetting me !
Hello, Thierry.

I'm sorry for taking so long to reply. If you want a swifter reaction, I'd suggest opening a support case from the portal, as I just visit the forum from time to time.

I wonder if working from a Dropbox folder could have something to do with the issue. I don't think the plugin can block the Rhino file in any way. I wonder if this happens even with a new simple scene.

Best regards,
Dear Fernando,
I did not take the time to contact you again regarding the problem explained.
Today, I just took a screenshot which shows that it is not possible to save a Rhino file after directly launching rendering from R8.
As LockHunter shows, the 3dm file is locked by Maxwell render and not by Dropbox.


I open a support case from the portal.

Have a good day
Dear Fernando,

I read your response on the case support.

I will provide you with proof that the only one responsible for the problem is the Maxwell plug-in and not dropbox.
The file is not open elsewhere and there is only one instance of Rhino8.
The result is the same whether rendering is in progress or stopped.
I would like to point out that I have the same problem on all my PCs.

Here is a new capture : 3 software programs point to the plug in

Last edited by Thierry Debourg on Tue Oct 29, 2024 9:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The following window opens when I click on "Accepter"

Last edited by Thierry Debourg on Tue Oct 29, 2024 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Then I closed the rendering and tried to save again : Still the same failure.

But the 3 programs indicate that there is no use by Maxwell.
I guess Rhino 8 keeps the last information of unable to save.

To make sure Dropbox isn't responsible, I saved a test file to the desktop and started rendering there.

Fernando, as you will see in the following screenshot, the problem is still there

Fernando, I believe in you to solve this problem !

Especially since I have another one who has been ruining my life for a very long time and I'm going to tell you about it too...
Dear Maxwell users,

Fernando, from Next Limit, wrote me that they recognized the plug in bug.
They will try to release a new version as soon as possible with this and other bugs fixed that they have detected. :)

With all my support ! :D

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